Arlington Speeding Ticket Lawyer

If a traffic stop leads to more complicated charges than a simple speeding ticket, an Arlington traffic lawyer can help. For most people, a traffic ticket is a minor annoyance. For those arrested for speed-related reckless driving, however, it can be a legal nightmare. Reckless driving is a criminal offense in Virginia (specifically, a Class 1 misdemeanor). As such, conviction of the charge can bring significant fines and a jail sentence. If you are facing a criminal charge as a result of reckless driving, driving without a license, driving on a suspended or revoked license, or another traffic violation, contact one of the Arlington speeding ticket attorneys with our firm who can explain your legal options.

Experienced Arlington Speeding Ticket Lawyer

Most people know that getting caught speeding can result in a ticket or citation. What many people do not realize is that if the speed is considered excessive they may also be arrested. Driving at speeds of more than 20 miles per hour above the posted limit is considered reckless driving in Arlington, VA, elevating the charge to a criminal misdemeanor. Conviction of reckless driving leads to not only legal consequences such as fines and possible jail time, but also administrative penalties such as points against your driver’s license or even suspension of your driving privileges. Personal consequences may include increased insurance premiums and a criminal record that can complicate employment opportunities and financial endeavors. Our lawyers understand the charges and will work to help you avoid unnecessary consequences. If you need help with a Virginia traffic issue outside of Arlington, learn more about our Virginia traffic lawyers.

If you have been accused of violating a traffic law or speeding above the posted speed limit, you could be facing some serious fines and even more potentially serious consequences if your violation is deemed reckless driving. If this is the case, you can’t afford to take your defense lightly or believe that the case will just go away if it is left alone. You need to take your defense as seriously as the possible consequences warrant. Our Arlington speeding ticket attorneys will work tirelessly on your behalf and help you minimize the effect of this case on your life moving forward.

As your case goes to court, you will want representation from a capable attorney with the knowledge, skill, and resources to adequately handle the matter. The attorneys with our firm are experienced trial lawyers with successful records defending against a variety of speed-related offenses in Arlington as well as other traffic and criminal matters. Our team of Virginia lawyers are committed to protecting the rights and livelihood of those arrested in Arlington, and throughout the commonwealth. If you have any other questions about these laws, don’t hesitate to contact us for a free consultation with one of our Arlington speeding ticket attorneys. You can also visit the Virginia DMV site for more information.

Arlington Traffic Lawyer

When you need an attorney to handle your speeding or traffic case, turn to the attorneys with our firm. We put our detailed legal background to work diligently for all of our clients. As experienced litigators, we offer quality legal services and sound advice to those accused of speeding, reckless driving and other traffic offenses. We will evaluate all the evidence of your case to create a defense strategy crafted to fit your unique situation. Speed-related reckless driving, just like any other criminal charge, presents serious legal risks that should not be taken lightly. To fight your Arlington traffic, speeding or reckless driving charge, call us today for a free consultation of your case.