Virginia Beach Traffic Attorney

In Virginia Beach, traffic offenses can be very serious, with the potential to be felonies or misdemeanors, which can result in serious fines and jail time. A Virginia Beach traffic lawyer can represent you in these cases, providing clients with knowledge on how the system works and striving for the best possible outcome under the circumstances. The Virginia beach traffic attorneys at our firm have intimate local knowledge covering the roads where these charges occur and the courts in which they are heard. Our Virginia speeding ticket lawyers are ready to use their experience to assist clients in need, so call our firm today for a free consultation.

Advantages of Working with a Virginia Beach Traffic Lawyer

The role of a Virginia Beach traffic lawyer in a serious traffic case is to be there for you to help you navigate the legal system, which can be filled with unfamiliar paperwork and complicated legal doctrine. When you sign on with a Virginia Beach traffic attorney, he or she can provide you with constant updates on the status of your case, review all evidence in search of illegally-obtained or incorrect information relating to your charges, and negotiate with the prosecution in an effort to reduce or completely eliminate your charges.

To learn more about what we can do for you, call our law offices today and speak with a friendly member of our legal team.

Virginia Beach Traffic Charges & Consequences

In Virginia Beach, traffic charges can range from relatively minor charges, like running a stop sign, all the way up to reckless driving, which is a serious and potentially jailable offense. While there are a multitude of traffic offenses, there are different levels of severity within the charges, specifically: infractions, misdemeanors, and felonies. The difference is that infractions are only punishable by a fine, while misdemeanors and felonies are criminal charges, which can carry jail or prison time and much, much harsher penalties as well as a permanent conviction on an individual’s criminal record.

There are a variety of ways that these penalties can impact your life. If you cannot afford the fine, then suddenly you may find yourself in a situation where you suffer more consequences such as a possible license suspension, which would mean that your driving privileges are taken away until the fines are paid. In more severe cases individuals could be facing jail time and a permanent criminal record, both of which have a significant impact on personal and professional reputations and opportunities.

Fortunately, the Virginia Beach traffic attorneys at our firm have experience handling a wide spectrum of traffic matters in Eastern Virginia, and we have the local knowledge that it takes to achieve positive results, even for clients who may not live in the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Traffic Charges and Out-of-State Drivers

A Virginia Beach traffic lawyer can help an out-of-state driver avoid having to come to Virginia to appear in court to answer their charge. By allowing an attorney to appear in court on his or her behalf, a driver who lives or works in another state can avoid the costs associated with appearing for court in person. It is important to note that out-of-state drivers must still address traffic charges that occur in Virginia, since the consequences for a conviction can be transferred to the driver’s state of residence.

Virginia Beach Traffic Lawyers Can Help

It’s important to speak to a Virginia Beach traffic attorney before serious fines, jail time, or excessive DMV points (see FAQs) begin to jeopardize your driving privileges. If you’re charged with something that can result in a driving demerit point, you should speak to a lawyer then so that possibly these points can be avoided in the first place. Call our Virginia law offices today to schedule your initial legal consultation.